We are sorry. No international orders available. 大変申し訳ございませんが日本国内のみの発送となります。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■For Overseas transfer Return and Cancellation Policy There is a policy of a no refund, no exchange and cancellation for international shipping services. Please check your items, their size and colors if they are OK before purchase. In addition, we do recognize that our items are fragile and as such we take great care to ensure that your order will be well packaged to ensure its safe arrival. 返品・返金・キャンセルについて 返金・返品はお受けいたしかねます。お買い上げの前に商品のサイズ及びお色などに間違いの無いことをご確認ください。一部の商品を除き当店の商品は割れ物になりますので細心の注意をもって発送させていただきます。 |
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